Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY Everything in this privacy policy is important, however please pay special attention to the parts that are in bold writing. These parts contain information about provisions that have special consequences for you. The purpose of this privacy policy is so you understand who you are sharing your information with, what kind of information we are collecting and how we use the information. We need your information to deliver the right product, at the right time and at the right place. This includes, but is not limited to, analysing your data to better understand what your needs are, and from time to time sending you promotional information.


Please note that this privacy policy is part of our agreement with you and so you should read it together with our terms and conditions. As is the case with our terms and conditions this privacy policy may change from time to time without notice for instance, we may have to amend this privacy policy to accommodate any changes in South African law or any changes in our business or services. Please read this privacy policy on each occasion that you use our website.


Your consent to the processing of your personal information

By using our website you are agreeing to this privacy policy and you are providing us with your express consent and agreement that we may collect, obtain, record, organise, receive, collate, store, update, retrieve, read, change, process, consult, use and share your personal information in the manner set out in this privacy policy. In the paragraph above you expressly give your permission to us to process your personal information in the manner and for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. By doing this, you know and accept that you are giving up certain parts of your right to privacy.

If you do not agree with this privacy policy, or you are concerned about any aspect as it relates to your personal information, please do not continue to use our website or any services offered by us.


Who are you sharing your information with?

You are sharing your information with Khaya Linen CC who trades under the fashion brand KOKO Africa. In some instances you may also be sharing your information with other companies that help us provide services to you, for example our outsourced courier service provider. This privacy policy does not apply to them.

What information we collect

We collect your personal information such as your name, e-mail address, contact numbers, physical address, billing address, payment card details, and communication preferences. Only your email address, name and surname, contact details and such other information as we specify from time to time, constitutes compulsory information. If you do not agree to share compulsory information with us, then you will not be able to purchase online.


We collect information to analyse purchasing patterns.

Analysing information like this helps us ensure we provide products that our customers want.


We conduct surveys from time to time.

We may send out surveys from time to time. You can choose to respond or not, and you can unsubscribe from receiving them.


We collect information while you use our website.

When you use our website we collect standard information about your internet connection and website use. We collect this information from registered and unregistered users. We use this information to help us improve our website.

The type of information we collect includes the IP address, domain type, browser type the URL you came from, the country and telephone code where your device is located, the web pages viewed during your visit, the advertisements you clicked on, and any search terms you entered on our website (user information).


We use cookies to optimise your website experience, but you can opt out.

However, if you do so, you may not be able to enjoy all of the features and functionality of the website. We collect information when you contact us. When you contact us we collect information that helps us to categorise your query, respond to it and, if applicable, investigate if anything went wrong. We may also use this information to track potential problems and trends to provide a better service to you.


We don’t collect the information of persons under the age of 18.

If you are under the age of 18 you must not provide personal information to us without the consent of your parent or guardian.


Why we need your personal information.

We use your personal information to provide our products and services to you. This includes:

• processing your payment card details in order to complete any purchase,

• delivering products that you order online,

• any other purpose relating to providing products and services, and

• when we have a legal duty to use or disclose your information.

Your privacy is important to us and we will never sell your personal information.

We use suppliers or service providers who we trust to provide services to us and sometimes that involves sharing your information with them. They operate under strict requirements aimed at keeping your personal information secure and confidential and they will only use it for the purpose for which we have sent it to them.


Sometimes we have to send your personal information to other countries.

Some of these service providers may be located in other countries that may not have the same levels of protection of personal information as South Africa. If this is the case, we require that they undertake to protect the personal information of our customers to the same level that we do.


Your rights and preferences.

You have the right to know what personal information we have about you, to correct it and to opt out of any marketing.

You have the right to:

• ask what personal information we hold about you;

• ask what information was sent to our suppliers, service providers or any other third party;

• ask us to update, correct or delete any out-of-date or incorrect personal information we hold about you;

• unsubscribe from any direct marketing communications we may send you;

• object to the processing of your personal information.

It can take us up to 21 days to respond to your request.

Kindly note that we can refuse to delete your information if we are required by law to retain it or if we need it to protect our rights. You can request access to the information we hold about you by contacting us via our website.


Some of your information is available online.

You are able to view and correct some of your information online by creating an online profile. Other information can be corrected via sending a detailed request to us via our website.



We take your privacy and the security of your personal information seriously. We have implemented reasonable security safeguards to protect the personal information that you provide. For example sensitive data (such as your credit card information) is protected by Payfast’s Extended Validation SSL encryption when it is exchanged between your web browser and our website. Our service providers regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks.


As no system is perfect we cannot guarantee that information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical or managerial safeguards.

In this paragraph, you acknowledge that you know and you accept that technology is not absolutely secure and there is a risk that your personal information will not be secure when processed by means of technology. We do not promise that we can keep your personal information completely secure. You will not be able to take action against us if you suffer losses or damages in these circumstances.


Please note that any e-mail you send to us is not encrypted and may be monitored by us. Please do not send us sensitive or confidential personal information by means of e-mail. Instead, please send a message via our website.


We will inform you if your privacy is ever compromised.

Although we cannot prevent all security threats, we have measures in place to minimise the threat to your privacy. We will let you know of any breaches which affect your personal information. You have a right to lodge a complaint to the Information Regulator ( for any contravention of POPI.


Third Party sites.

To the extent allowed by law, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of a third party site to which there may be a link on the website, or for any claims, loss or damage arising from these. We advise you to read the privacy policy of each site which you visit and to determine your privacy settings in accordance with your personal preferences.

We are not liable if you suffer losses or damages when visiting third party websites by following a link to that website from our website. You accept that there may be risks when you use such third party websites, and you do so at your own risk.


Protection of Personal Information Act and other laws.


If this privacy policy or any provision in this privacy policy is regulated by or subject to POPI or other laws, it is not intended that any provision of this privacy policy contravenes any provision of POPI or such other laws. Therefore all provisions of this privacy policy must be treated as being qualified, to the extent necessary, to ensure that the provisions of POPI and such other laws are complied with.

No provision of this privacy policy:

• does or purports to limit or exempt us from any liability (including, without limitation, for any loss directly or indirectly attributable to our gross negligence or wilful default or that of any other person acting for or controlled by us) to the extent that the law does not allow such a limitation or exemption;

• requires you to assume risk or liability for the kind of liability or loss, to the extent that the law does not allow such an assumption of risk or liability; or

• limits or excludes any warranties or obligations which are implied into this privacy policy by POPI (to the extent applicable), or other applicable laws or which we give under POPI (to the extent applicable), or other applicable laws, to the extent that the law does not allow them to be limited or excluded.



You agree that this privacy policy, our relationship and any dispute of whatsoever nature relating to or arising out of this privacy policy whether directly or indirectly, shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa without giving effect to any principle of conflict of laws. You agree that we may, at any time, transfer, cede, delegate or assign any or all of our rights and obligations under this privacy policy without your consent. We will notify you if we transfer, cede, delegate or assign any rights or obligations to a third party, but we do not have to notify you if we transfer, cede, delegate or assign any rights or obligations to any of our affiliates or to any person which acquires all or part of our business and/or assets. We may also sub-contract our obligations without your consent and we do not have to notify you if we sub-contract any of our obligations.

Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this privacy policy shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Each provision of this privacy policy, and each part of any provision, is removable and detachable from the others. As far as the law allows, if any provision of this privacy policy, or part of a provision, is found by a court or authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable (including, without limitation, because such provision is inconsistent with the laws of another jurisdiction), it must be treated as if it was not included in this privacy policy and the rest of this privacy policy will still be valid and enforceable.